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Brow, Beaten

When I made the executive decision that assignment three would be the Eyebrow Specialist you can just imagine the joy I felt… hot flush, cold flush…was that my anti-depressant? OMG…NO…. that’s just 100% pure natural eyebrow adrenalin! What more could one want? Even the possibility that the man known as the ‘eyebrow king’ could change my brows was enough, but boys, keep a firm grip on your mascara, he actually did!

When I think of eyebrows I think of two types of people. Those of us suffering from obsessive compulsive eyebrow disorder (definitely me) and those of us suffering from mono disorder (definitely John Howard). People with MONOD are just completely and utterly unaware that their tousled bushiness and upwardly mobile eyebrows are one meter off from resembling a winter Olympic ski ramp while those with OCED are one pluck off resembling a sphinxa pussy (get your mind out of the gutter please I’m talking about the hairless cat – meow!!).

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Let’s face it, those of us with OCED are quite happy to cancel a dinner date or a night of L-Word action… actually that would be any action…. just to have their very own mud wrestling match…creating total and utter unadulterated eyebrow carnage wherever they go! Those of us with MONOD continue to catch the winter snow and spend most days watering, harvesting and fertilizing their brows (gulp!).

‘Google’ eyebrows and one will soon realize that eyebrows can make or break a face. With this in mind and one terrifying nightmare involving Little Kim and Eddie Munster (both of which definitely suffer from the MONO disorder) I decided to ask my only friend with brow confidence how she managed to get the perfect brow? My friend was quick to put an end to my nights of obsessive plucking! Matthew Nguyen is his name and eyebrows are his game! Quite appropriately, he is now listed in my mobile under GOD!

Mr Matthew Nguyen, the man known by many as the eyebrow king has made his fame and fortune raising eyebrows all over Perth. After my eyebrow experience, I can guarantee that if you have half an hour and fifty bucks he will do the same thing for you. I was overjoyed to put my feet up in his leather recliner, gaze into chandeliers (*sigh*) and let the genius work his magic!

One trip to the eye brow specialist has left me botox free, plastic surgery free and dare I say Lancôme free!!! I now exude brow confidence (gawd, as if I needed anymore?) and most of all, my pre-existing psychological condition is officially in remission! What more could one want? Spread the news boys, the eyebrow man is your answer! Love… lots of it xxXxxXX

The Eyebrow Specialist, Mr Matthew Nguyen

20/22 St Quentin Avenue, Claremont.

9385 2006 or email –


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