Heading to the gym, for most of us, is hard. Lets face it, even back in the good ole’ days when the threat of economic depression wasn’t an intrusion on our lives, heading to the gym was, like most things requiring any physical effort, harder than finding a gym kit in our wardrobes bought after 1985. Not to mention the lethargy that comes with the onset of Autumn; we’re either complaining about the price of personal trainers or falling asleep on the bench press. It’s no wonder, then, that so many people are turning to group fitness: it’s cheap, it works fast and the allure of a room full of sweaty bodies, racing pulses and loud music is just too hard for us to resist. That said, getting past that first class can be like walking a minefield. So to help you take your first safe steps and to ensure your return to the group fitness world: a survival guide.
As there are many different types of group exercise it pays to read the information on hand before you enter the group fitness studio. The last thing you want is to end up in an intense sports inspired class when you almost killed yourself just walking up the stairs. Each program has a different focus and feel; whether it’s butt sculpting step aerobics or a spin class, choose the one that you will be comfortable starting out in. It’s a good idea to let the instructor know that it’s your first time; they will give you lower options that you can take to stop yourself looking too much like a wally, and to reduce the risk of you having a heart attack on your first visit – I imagine that this would be rather embarrassing.
Take a moment to ensure you have the following. a) a towel. You are about to discover sweat glands in places you didn’t know existed. b) Correct attire. Stray away from cotton clothing; yes, even you sweat from your bottom but others don’t need to know this. Stick to black gym shorts, a loose black singlet and cross trainers and you won’t offend anyone. c) Lots of water.
When you enter the room pay special attention to the other participants. Look out for Martha Stewart in the front row; she wears leggings and dons an expression akin to Demi Moore in GI Jane. She knows the moves better than the instructor and if you get too close she’ll knock you out with her whipper double pony-tail and her explosive superman move across the room. She’s serious about her fitness, and whatever you do don’t steal her spot: she owns it. Like any pecking order you need to start your group fitness ‘journey to the front of the class’ in the outermost echelons of the room where like-minded beginners hide and enjoy the benefits of the easy options.
Stand clear of the whooper. He’s usually located in one of the corners of the class where he audibly comments on any new move or exercise with a loud noise not unlike the sound made by an excited baboon with whooping cough. He’s particularly active in the more energetic tracks where he competes with the rise in music volume. He’ll draw attention to your wally attempts at the choreography, so head to the opposite side of the room.
Then there’s Miss Universe (or Mr). She’s made the transition from desperate housewife to Jane Fonda superbly. She wears the slickest outfit, dreams of a Nike sponsorship, and would die to have the instructor suggest that she, herself, become an instructor. She’ll fight to the death for the attention so stay away.
Most importantly if you smile you burn more calories so be yourself and have fun. The more times you attend the easier the moves will become and the more at home you will feel. It won’t take you long to realise what everyone has been raving about and you’ll suddenly discover yourself moving closer and closer to the stage. Watch yourself transform with group fitness!
Nathan Keene
Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Instructor