Over the past 22 years here at the WA AIDS Council we have been running a range of different courses for men with same sex attractions, from Men On Men to Nitty Gritties and in the last few years have added a range of new workshops to the stable. Loving Our Way – the relationships course, Cruising 101 and Talk To Me , have all become important workshops in their own right to further enhance and build skills for men.
After an absence of about 6 years, last year we also reintroduced the Men On Men Retreat. The three day residential retreat is an opportunity for those men who have attended any of our workshops to continue growing and developing life skills and experience around a range of issues.We felt that there was a need to give those who had participated in one of our courses the chance to gather in a more intimate setting to continue the work begun at our previous workshops and a retreat setting seemed to work well for those lucky enough to attend last year.
In March (Friday 13 – Sunday 15) we will be running the Men On Men Retreat and it is open to anyone who has participated in one of our workshops over the past couple of years. This is a chance to connect with other like minded men in a safe and supportive environment and explore issues around masculinity, sex, empowerment, friendship and relationships.
With knowledge and education around these issues we can all make choices in our lives that enable us to take control of who we are as men with same sex attractions.
The retreat is fully catered and we will be staying in a large rambling house with a swimming pool surrounded by lush bushland. All you need to bring is yourself and those essential items that you need to get through a weekend away from home.
Spaces to attend the retreat are strictly limited to 25 so if you are keen to come along you will need to get in touch with us sooner rather than later.
If you have done any of the above workshops and did not attend last years retreat please get in touch with either Luke or myself at WAAC for further details.
Contact by phone on (08) 9482 0000 or email lkitchens@waaids.com or mreid@waaids.com