CHEATERS (Tues March 25, Seven – 11:30pm)
Reality TV show in which adulterous partners are caught cuckolding their loved ones by a hidden camera sting operation set up by the show. And who can spell ‘entrapment?’ boys and girls? Reality TV profiting from deliberately breaking up a relationship by tempting a partner to cheat each week? That scraping sound you heard was the bottom of the barrel being reached. How about a reality show called MIND YOUR OWN F@#$*&^ BUSINESS?!
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT (Wed March 26, Ten- 7:30pm)
Awful US sitcom with staggeringly original premise – two male best friends and two female best friends are getting married (to their opposite sex friend, not to each other – otherwise there might have been an original idea brewing) and are worrying about whether married life will change them. Well, if it changes this boring crap into a funny sitcom, I’m all for it. Any lingering doubts that this is one wedding that will soon become its own funeral are negated by the presence of David Spade – possibly the single most irritating entity in the entire multiverse – as one of the bachelor boys. Jilt this bride and groom!