About Project X
Straight, bisexual, married or gay? Want to find out what it is like for other guys? Need a confidential sexual health test? Need someone to talk to? Want to meet other guys safely? Culturally diverse and into guys? Want to chat to someone anonymously online?
Project X is a safe cyber space targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) in Perth, Western Australia. You may call yourself gay, bisexual, a man who occasionally has sex with other men, or choose not to attach a label to your sexuality at all. You may be single, married or in a de facto relationship with another woman or man. You may be Australian, Indigenous, or from other cultural backgrounds, and from various age groups. Here, we do not discriminate. We simply understand where you’re coming from.
Since its creation in October last year, Project X has continued to grow as an information and service provision website. In this space, visitors to the site can find non judgmental advice and information about male sexuality, safe sex practices, sexual health and testing information, cruising safely and peer support from our understanding staff. The Project X Team constantly strives to make this site better so we can provide a service that is extremely useful and beneficial to MSM and gay sexual health.
Moreover, the Project X Team is conducting a short 8-question poll for the next three months so that we can have an overview of our site visitors’ demographic. It only takes a minute of your time, and you stand to win a fantastic collection of Australian wine proudly sponsored by The Court Hotel. The closing date for this Poll is 29 February 2008, so log on now and take part to stand a chance of winning this amazing collection.
Volunteer Recruitment
The Project X Team is also currently recruiting peer-based male volunteers to assist with the growing demand in various aspects of our community work. ‘MSM’ refers to men who have sex with men but do not identify as gay. Enriching volunteer opportunities are available in Cyberreach Online Outreach, Mensline Telephone Outreach, Workshop Facilitation and Safe Sex Sluts Outreach. If you looking for the opportunity to volunteer some valuable time for the education work the Project X Team provides to our gay/MSM community, here is your chance. Full training will be provided and you will get the chance to work with some incredibly fun-tastic personalities!
Contact the Project X Team on 9482 0000 or email us at info@projectx.net.au. You can also find out more about the various programs above at www.projectx.net.au.