The calendar has clocked over to 2016 and the new year ushers in a tidal wave of New Year’s resolutions. But how can you make sure you reach the goals you’ve set, climbing higher up the mountains each day, rather than them constantly seeming out of reach?
A recent study found that 40% of adults in the USA make New Year resolutions, but only 40% to 60% of those who do stick to them. So what can make your dreams more likely of coming true in the year ahead?
A great way for making goals achievable is to make them SMART. S-pecific, M-easureable, A-chieveable, R-elevent and with T-imeframes.
Specific, if you goal is to lose weight, add some descriptors around the idea. Maybe there’s an old pair of jeans you want to fit into again, maybe you would be better off describing it as go to the gym three times a week, maybe you want to lose 5kgs, flesh out the goal with some easy to visualise ideas.
Measurable, if you can measure it, your more likely to see your progress and that will give you more encouragement. Looking to spend more time with your loved ones? Set a goal to leave work on time each night, or cut down the hours you work on weekends, if you can track it – your more likely to achieve it.
Achievable, let’s get realistic here. Is the goal your setting actually possible? If your goal is to become a medical doctor before Christmas – your probably going to fail, cause that’s just not possible. If you’re goal is a big one break it down into smaller pieces. To climb the the top of a mountain, there are lots of valleys and ridges along the way.
Relevent, let’s put your goal in context. Why do you want to achieve this goal? If you’d like an extra 4000 viewers to read your blog, the next questions is why? If you want to get better at taking photographs, ask yourself why? What’s the real reason behind your goal – this will be much more motivating.
Timeframes, make all the difference, if you want to lose 10 kgs in 2016, then break that down to 1 kg a month, if you want to save up for a big holiday in September, work out how much you need to save out of each pay packet. Draw up a calendar and give those goals some deadlines and milestones.
Some other recommendations are to set not just one goal but lots. Tell your friends about your goals so they can help encourage you, maybe one of your friends has a similar goal and you can work together.
Another good trick is to set yourself a reminder, set a reminder in your phone for a week from now, and a months from now to keep you on track.
image: Sven Scheuermeier via
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If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, support and counselling are available from:
QLife: 1800 184 527 / (Webchat 3pm – midnight)
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DISCHARGED: 9364 6909 / /
Discharged is a trans-led support service with peer support groups for trans and gender diverse folks.
Lifeline: 13 11 14 /
Beyondblue: 1300 22 4636 /