Delivering the annual ‘State of the Union’ speech, U.S. President Barack Obama has highlighted the needs of transgender people.
It’s the first time a President has acknowledged transgender people in the annual speech to Congress.
“As Americans, we respect human dignity, even when we’re threatened, which is why I’ve prohibited torture, and worked to make sure our use of new technology like drones is properly constrained,” said President Obama, before adding, “That’s why we defend free speech, and advocate for political prisoners, and condemn the persecution of women, or religious minorities, or people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. We do these things not only because they’re right, but because they make us safer.”
It was also the firs time lesbian and bisexual people were mentioned in the speech. The president has mentioned transgender people in previous speeches, he is the first U.S. president to do so.
President Obama was previously criticised for failing to mention transgender people in his second inaugural address when he made reference to gay and lesbian people. The president also announced his support for marriage equality back in 2012.
OIP Staff